The “Leigh Turner Videos” YouTube channel is a great way to get to know Leigh and his writing. Check out the new YouTube channel.
Leigh Turner Videos YouTube channel: what’s on?
I’m continually updating the videos on my YouTube page – often with stories, or with my latest writing news. Feel free to have a browse.
Videos include:
- my reading of a complete Hotel Story, “The Two Rooms” (pic below). The video is just under 40 minutes long. Sit back and enjoy it!
- my reading of substantial excerpts from my Hotel Story “Gents” (warning: contains alligators);
- a video of my first ever reading from my Berlin thriller Blood Summit (were you there?) at the Cafe Korb in Vienna, in March 2018. This video was made professionally by top film-maker Sibylle Trost;
A recent reading from “Seven Hotel Stories”
- an introduction to Blood Summit filmed in front of the Reichstag in Berlin, where much of the action in the thriller takes place, again by Sibylle Trost;
- for German speakers, an introduction to Blood Summit in German, in front of the Reichstag (thanks again Sibylle!);
- a collection of “Worlds of Wonder” videos – short clips of beautiful scenes, just for fun.
I will be putting up one or two other snippets and perhaps longer readings in the weeks and months ahead. Please subscribe to the YouTube channel if you’d like to hear about these.
Other stuff to cheer you up
If you fancy a bit of cheer, I’ve written six other upbeat blogs recently, including:
- Ten reasons to like Lesotho – by far my most popular blog of 2020;
- Ten reasons to like Turkey
- Coronavirus Vienna – a stroll around a locked-down city
- Middlemarch is the book for Coronavirus: 25 epigrams
- “Vintage Season” – a blog for a Coronavirus outbreak
- and of course How to be Happy.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this piece on Leigh Turner videos. Happy watching!
2 Responses
Leider kann ich nicht auf youtube gehen – muss warten bis mir das jemand zeigt, sorry. Mein liebstes Kommunikationsmittel ist immer noch das Telephon. Hoffnungslos altmodisch.
Hallo Eva! Gut, von dir zu hören! Telefon funktioniert prima natürlich. Und wenn du die Videos anschauen möchtest, muss man nix machen, ausser auf dem YouTube channel im ersten Satz klicken. Dann bist du dabei!