I’m delighted to announce that I will be reading from my Istanbul thriller Palladium in Vienna on Saturday, 22 October. Do put it in your diary if you are in or near Vienna that weekend!
What you need to know
Three important things about the reading on 22 October:
(i) I shall be reading several exciting excerpts from Palladium. Hold onto your seats;
(ii) the remarkable piano prodigies, twin sisters Ferhan and Ferzan Önder, will play as a duo to accompany the reading. They are simply awesome pianists and I am privileged and grateful to have them play on the night;
(iii) you can order tickets for the reading right now. Go to the ORF RadioKulturhaus page about the reading (in German). You can buy tickets there – click on “Tickets kaufen“. This takes you to a purchase page, also in German, but quite user friendly. I can’t see an English language option, but I am confident most potential attendees will either live in Vienna or will be well capable of working out what they need to do! Let me know if not.
My reading in Vienna: a couple of details
It would be great to see as many people as possible at this unique event. I hope to have copies of my books Eternal Life, Blood Summit and Seven Hotel Stories to sign. Unfortunately I’m unlikely to have copies of Palladium itself, as I have trouble getting hold of author copies. So if you’d like me to sign a copy of Palladium, you may like to secure a copy in advance, either from Amazon or from the fabulous Shakespeare & Company in Vienna (they also have copies of my other books).
All profits will go to the charity Nachbar in Not.
Finally, I am grateful to Gabriel Lansky and his team for making this reading happen. Much appreciated!
See you on the 22nd of October.