My readings in March and May 2022

Picture of Leigh Turner
Leigh Turner

I am delighted to announce three talks and readings on 28, 29 and 31 March in Salzburg, Innsbruck and Graz; and three more in Vienna from 23-26 May. You can sign up now for four of the events.

My readings: Leigh Turner reading in Berlin
At a reading in Berlin, 2020

Three events in March 2022

I love doing readings and talks, and am looking forward to the three events later this month. All are all open to anyone in or near Salzburg, Innsbruck and Graz. The talk in Innsbruck is also being live-streamed – your chance to hear me speaking German, if you’ve ever wondered how it sounds.

  • 28 March, 18.30: The English Center, Salzburg. “Meet the Author”. I shall read from my satirical speculative thriller Eternal Life, answer questions, and sign books. Haunspergstrasse 37A, 5020 Salzburg – details at the link.
  • 29 March, 18.00 BritInn Academic Network Britain-Innsbruck. “Diplomatie im Gepäck” (“Diplomacy in your luggage”). I shall speak to my 12 “Diplomatic Lessons” about how my work as a diplomat influenced my writing and vice-versa. Address: HS1, SOWI, Universitätsstraße 15, Innsbruck. You can also follow the talk on a live stream: The talk and Q&A will be in German. I’ll be signing books afterwards.
  • 31 March, 18.00 Lesesaal der Universitätsbibliothek, Graz. “Im Auftrag Ihrer Majestät” (“On Her Majesty’s Service”). A similar talk to the one in Innsbruck, again in German, in the magnificent reading room of Graz University. To register to attend (it’s free), contact Again I shall be signing books afterwards. More details in the flier reproduced below.
My readings: Leigh Turner reading in Graz
The lecture in Graz

Everyone is welcome to all three events. I am most grateful to Gabrielle Hinterbuchner, Marion Wieser and Margit Reitbauer and their teams for their magnificent work in making these events happen. I can’t wait.

For your diaries: events in Vienna, May 2022

I shall also be doing three public events in Vienna, in May. They are as follows:

  • 23 May, 17.30: The Tandler Lounge, Vienna. Readings from my books, with musical accompaniment. The Tandler Lounge is a unique Vienna venue at the 48er-Tandler, a recycling venture by the City of Vienna to restore and sell for charity items people have disposed of, from clothes to skis, bicycles and computers. You can register for the talk at the link now – it’s free.
  • 24 May, 16.45: Erinnerungen eines britischen Diplomaten an den Kalten Krieg (“A British diplomat remembers the Cold War”). A joint talk with Oliver Rathkolb, history professor at the University of Vienna. I shall talk about working at the HQ of the British Northern Army Group in Rheindahlen, near Mönchengladbach, 1980-81, including my first visit to divided Berlin; my posting in Moscow, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, 1992-95; my posting in post-reunification Berlin, 1999-2002; my posting as ambassador in Kyiv, 2008-2012; and what has happened since then. “Let’s hope no new invasion of Ukraine happens”, I wrote on 27 January when we agreed this talk. I’m not sure if this event, which will be in German, will be open to people other than University of Vienna students. Subscribe to this blog for more details, as I get them.
  • 26 May: Grand launch of my Istanbul thriller Palladium at the ORF Radiokulturhaus in Vienna. My thriller Palladium will be released on 17 May and I hope to be presenting the book for the first time in Vienna. Again, watch this space for more details.
At the 48er-Tandler in October last year.

What to do next

  • If you’re physically in or near Salzburg on 28 March, Innsbruck on 29 March or Graz on the 31 March, do come along.
  • If you fancy listening to the Innsbruck talk on-line on 29 March you’re very welcome (NB bear in mind the time difference).
  • If you fancy coming to my reading at the Tandler Lounge in Vienna on 23 May, sign up now!
  • Watch out for more details of the events on 24 and 26 May.
  • And if you fancy reading any of the books, details and excerpts are on this blog. These include my new edition of Blood Summit, just out.

I look forward to seeing you.

The new edition of “Blood Summit”


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