Dales Way Yorkshire England

How to be happy

Picture of Leigh Turner
Leigh Turner

How to be happy: what can you do to improve your mood?  This post contains suggestions and practical ideas for cheering you up.

Can we make ourselves happier?

Can we make ourselves happier?  It is a question I have looked at so often – along with feminist issues – that I even have a category for it on this blog called Existential – and women.


Some say that a combination of a) physical activity; b) other people; and c) nature is the key to happiness, cf walking the Dales Way in England 

How to be happy tips: perspective

One of my key ways to improve my mood, when things appear to be going wrong, is to take a step back and get some perspective.  I wrote about this in my 2017 blog Things are getting worse, right?  Wrong.  Here’s why.

More posts about happiness

Other happiness-related blogs include:

–  How to be happy: 11 simple tools

– Tuchman’s Law (or “Always look on the bright side?”): 9/10 (why the world is much better than it might at first appear)

– Read this now – before you waste more of your precious life

– Transience and Fat Lama (contains a plug for the start-up my son Owen’s helped found, plus thoughts on sacred carpentry, maps, and the future of ownership); and

– Happiness and small victories (a personal blog, containing rare Bonn, Kyiv and Vienna cycling pictures and details of what makes me punch the air with joy).

Feel free to browse.

How to be happy tips: Hans Rosling

Finally, see this link to my blog DON’T PANIC: a communications masterclass 10/10 (October 2015) in which Swedish statistician Hans Rosling explains how in 2000 there were more children in the world than there are now; and how, by the year 2100, the world population will be stable.  People keep telling me they disagree with it, but without providing counter-arguments.

It takes an hour to watch Hans Rosling’s masterpiece.  It may not make you happy, but it may make you worry a bit less, or at least make you think.  Sounds like time well spent to me.  Do you agree?

My novel Corona Crime

One reason I am interested in happiness is my novel Corona Crime, which focuses on links between mortality, creativity and happiness – see e.g. my blog 7 ways to explain the meaning of life.  

P.S. If you enjoy fresh, original writing, you can follow me on Facebook or sign up for my newsletter (you can unsubscribe anytime you wish).


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3 Responses

  1. well, I am not happier after reading all those bits and bytes of how to be happy, but I had to laugh out loud when reading the word “doolally”, it looks and sounds hilarious when you never heard of it before.

    and a good laugh is not bad when it comes to happiness, isn’t it?

    another possibility might be a glass of good wine shared with a beloved person. find out more about wine here: http://www.weinfreundin.blog

  2. Happiness ist im deutschen nicht korrekt zu übersetzen. Glück ist das englische luck. Mein Versuch einer Erklärung: Happiness kann man erzeugen, Glück widerfährt einem. Meine Happiness ist bei heissem Sommerwetter im kalten Wasser zu schwimmen oder mit einem Freund ein Gespräch zu führen. Glück ist, wenn das kaputte Seitenfenster des Autos innerhalb eines Tages repariert werden kann.

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